>pdb|1FB0|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Thioredoxin M From Spinach Chloroplast (Reduced Form) pdb|1FB6|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Thioredoxin M From Spinach Chloroplast (Oxidized Form) pdb|1FB6|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Thioredoxin M From Spinach Chloroplast (Oxidized Form) pdb|1FB0|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Thioredoxin M From Spinach Chloroplast (Reduced Form) Length = 105 Score = 63.2 bits (152), Expect = 4e-12 Identities = 29/86 (33%), Positives = 51/86 (58%), Gaps = 1/86 (1%) Query: 19 VVVNVGASWCPDCRKIEPIMENLAKTYKGKVEFFKVSFDESQDLKESLGIRKIPTLIFYK 78 V+V+ A WC C+ I P+++ LAK Y GK+ +K++ DE+ + IR IPT++F+K Sbjct: 21 VMVDFWAPWCGPCKLIAPVIDELAKEYSGKIAVYKLNTDEAPGIATQYNIRSIPTVLFFK 80 Query: 79 NAKEVGERLVEPSSQKPIEDALKALL 104 N E E ++ + + D+++ L Sbjct: 81 NG-ERKESIIGAVPKSTLTDSIEKYL 105