Simple Text Search

Give keyword to list gene:

You can give one keyword only , and this is just a test version. For example , give "Cag" as a keyword.

This is not a perfect search way . Maybe you will not get the data you want sometimes.

I will write the search filter more completely soon. Please reply the bugs to me.

Give gene id to list gene:

You can give the ID of one gene . For example , give "HP1001" as gene ID.

Search Helicobacter pylori Genome

Choose program to use and database to search:

Program Database

Enter sequence below in FASTA format

Or load it from disk

The query sequence is filtered for low complexity regions by default.
Filter Low complexity Mask for lookup table only

Expect    Matrix Perform ungapped alignment

Query Genetic Codes (blastx only)
Frame shift penalty for blastx

Other advanced options:     

Graphical Overview    Alignment view
Descriptions    Alignments Color schema

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