<<Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris Genome>>

Genome Size : 5Mb

Total Contigs Size : 2,615,902 bp

Total Contigs : 2196

max. Contig length : 5197 bp

min. Contig length : 59 bp

Total Predict Orf : 1148


<<Statistic of Contig Length>>

Contig Length (bp) Contig num.

>5000 3
4000-5000 13
3000-4000 43
2000-3000 149
1000-2000 948
500-1000 1024
<500 16

Total 2196


<<Prediction of Open Reading Frame with ORPHEUS>>

Orf Length (aa) Orf num.

>500 47
>100 1029
<=100 119

Total 1148


<< Orf Blast results (blast against nr protein db) >>

Identity (%) Orf num.

100-90 53
90-80 85
80-70 115
70-60 106
60-50 117
50-40 133
40-30 320
<30 208
no result 11

Total 1148